Thursday, October 2, 2008

(five) Marlise

At one point, you were my best friend. That's all changed now because I couldn't keep caring so much for someone that cared about herself so little. You were always on the verge of a major catastrophe and I was scared for your life more than I was my own.

(four) Jen

Lord of the Rings made us friends, but our understanding of each other made this friendship last. Together we have been to the world's worst house party, met Billy Boyd and discussed the finer points of deinterlacing arse for fun and profit. Let this be the hour we draw bunnies!

(three) Matt

First degree murder. Life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years. Why did you do it?

I still think of you, wondering if I could have done something to help.


Not you.

"I think he's cheating on me," you confessed in the last conversation we ever had.

(two) Roland

We were just like Will and Grace, although you resembled Brian Kinney more. You walked around the club thinking you could have anyone you wanted and you never went home alone. I was always your designated driver. You used me for everything and I let you because I loved you.

(one) Husbandito

In high school you assumed I hated you. I assumed you hated me. Everyone else predicted we would end up getting married and growing old together. Now we are about a month away from our one year anniversary and you still drive me nuts sometimes. Thank you for marrying me.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Greetings and Salutations...

I hate introduction posts so I'm simply going to say that this is my blog (duh) and I'm going to try to update it as often as I can (unless I don't have time, forget about the blog, run away with the circus, etc).

I'm not going to introduce myself, I'm not going to tell you all about my life thus far and I'm most definitely not going to tell you about where I live. If you want to know, then read. If you think I'm a pretentious arse for not giving a proper introduction, then don't read.

I'm also participating in a blog challenge called x365. I suggest joining up and giving it a try. It's very interesting to see who sticks out in your mind.

That's all you get.